Sercretary Desk

Eligibility to become a Star…

To be eligible for membership in the Order of the Eastern Star you must be related to a Master Mason in good standing or you yourself must be a Master Mason in good standing.  If none of this is applicable to you, then you yourself must be fall into one of the following categories:

  • (All women) Must be of age 18 years or older
  • Wife/ step-mother, or mother-in-law to a child or children of a known Master Mason;
  • Widow to a Master Mason;
  • Daughter/ step-daughters/ daughter-in-law/ legally adopted daughter/ grand-daughter, or great grand-daughter to a Master Mason or mother was a known Sister of the Orient of OES;
  • Sister/ half-sister/ step-sisters/ sister-in-law to a Master Mason or known Sister of the Orient;
  • Grandmother to a Sister of the Orient or to a known Master Mason;
  • Niece/ great niece, first or second female cousins.

Once you fill out a petition form and submit it, along with a $25 application fee, to Richland Star Chapter #342. Your petition will be read, your eligibility verified, and your membership will be voted upon. Members must be elected by unanimous vote of the chapter.

How Do I Join

Before one can truly join, it’s very important that all understand our purpose here at Richlands Star Chapter #342. Our overall purpose is that of: Charity, Education, and Sisterly Love. Dr. Rob Morris, the Poet Laureate of Masonry, founded the Order using the beautiful and inspiring Biblical examples of heroic conduct and moral values. These portray the noble principles which should adorn the personal lives of Eastern Star members. Eastern Star strives to take good people and through uplifting and elevating associations of love and service, and through precept and example build an Order which is truly dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness. If you are still interested in joining, please visit our Contact Us page, leave a message of interest, and let your journey begin.