Past Masters of Omega Lodge



Past Master

The Past Master is an extraordinary gentleman of the Craft. He stands alone as one of the elite yet distinguish member to all of freemasonry. He has fulfilled the obligation of Worshipful Master. He has initiated those whom seek Masonry and not only made Masons out of them but has made them an asset to their communities and society as respectable men. He’s the bringer of knowledge and wisdom to newly elected Worshipful Master’s and the balance between those still seeking further Masonic Light. Most Mason’s spend their entire Masonic life time pursuing this degree, some are blessed, and others are not. This is why this elite group of men will always stand above approach.

Distinguish Brotherhood

PM Raymon Applewhite

PM John H. Canady

PM Johnnie Carson

PM Wayne Covington

PM Aaron Green

PM Thomas Henley

PM Bruce Mills

PM Omar Myers

PM Raymond Newby

PM Maurice Parker

PM Ronnie Parker

PM Mark Shivers

PM McKinley Smith

PM John R. Suggs

PM Cornelius D. Tindal

PM Lester White

PM Patrick Wilson