History of Omega Lodge No. 292

The  Cornerstone

Its concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure. Over time a cornerstone became a ceremonial masonry stone, or replica, set in a prominent location on the outside of a building, with an inscription on the stone indicating the construction dates of the building and the names of architect, builder, and other significant individuals.

Our Historical History

We knew not with certainty on how or when our Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masonic Fraternity was initiated within Onslow County. However, speculation has left us to widely accept the theory’s among Masonic scholars within our very own craft. From which obtainable knowledge arose that the belief, from which the grounds upon which our cornerstone was laid. Sometime within the year of 1913; is in fact the actual birth place of Omega Lodge No. 292.  From such a stone, history was erected as Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masonry established itself once again and formed such another magnificent Lodge within the town of Richlands, County of Onslow, and within the State of North Carolina. While historical documents of actual landmark, were unable to become resurrected and or recovered from County records; more so for sentimental and historical reasons. Masons of today decided to show their thanks and render gratitude to our ancient stone builders of yesteryear. In commemoration to that august event, Masons of today respectfully and Masonically, pay homage to our builders and foundation layers of yesteryear with Nourishment, Refreshment, and Joy.

Our Honorariums

"Master" – Honorable Bro. Cornelius D. Tindal

"Warden" – Honorable Bro. Arnold Terry

"Warden" – Honorable Bro. Wayne Covington

Honorable – Bro. John H. Canady

Honorable – Bro. Thomas Henley

Honorable – Bro. McKinley Smith

Honorable – Bro. John R. Suggs

Honorable – Bro. Horace White

Honorable – Bro. Lester White