Omega Lodge No. 292 Officers


There are two types of officers, Elected and Appointed.  The Elected Officers are chosen by distinguish gentlemen in masonry. Once chosen, each active member shall then cast a single vote on whom they believe will serve and truly represent the brotherhood nobly. Appointed Officers on the other hand, are chosen directly by the Worshipful Master with advice from his Senior and Junior Wardens. 

Within every well-governed institution, there is law and order. To establish such order and maintain discipline, there are rules, regulations, duties and responsibilities. Freemasonry in essences operates on those same morals, principals, and traditions. At Omega Lodge No. 292, our officers are held to a strict code of ethics, implement by their individual obligations and their individual oath of office. Being either elected and or appointed to such an honorary or noble position in such pure replication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Jurisdiction Inc. means to be viewed upon as though you yourself were one of the annotated. That alone, is why Omega Lodge No. 292 officers will forever display honor, dignity, courage, respect, and commitment to Freemasonry. Below we examine the Officer Emblems, Title, Roles, and Responsibilities of each position within the lodge.

Principal  Officers

Worshipful Master

Bro. Lenox Cadle

He is the chief executive officer to the Lodge but the Master of the Craft. His station is in the East. The jewel of his office is the Square and it symbolizes Virtue.

Senior Warden

Bro. John Babol

He's second-in-command. He’s the Worshipful Master’s right-hand man and is responsible for the care, education, and behavior of all candidates. His due diligence towards the well-being of the craft is the strength which governs any Lodge. His focus is that of Harmony. His station is in the West. The jewel of his office is the Level and it symbolizes Equality.

Junior Warden

Bro. Dwight Bletcher

He's third-in-command behind the Senior Warden. His focus is that of Order, especially during the hours of refreshment. When order becomes chaotic, his focal point is to remind the craft of the compass and of their obligation. When all else fails, he’s to issue Masonic charges against any brother suspected of un-Masonic conduct or in breach of their obligation. His station is in the South. The jewel of his office is the Plumb and it symbolizes Upright Behavior.



Bro. McKinley Smith

He's the caretaker of all extraordinary Masonic undertakings. He's entrusted with the mystic wisdom of Freemasonry. His focus is that of making a fair and just recording of all things proper to be written. The jewel of his office is that of cross feathers and they symbolize Penmanship, Truthfulness, and Liberation.


PM Bro. Omar Myers

He's the Chief Financial Officer to the Lodge and of the Craft. His focus is that of charity. The jewel of his office is that of cross keys and they symbolize a Tongue of Good Report and the keeper of everything Sacred to all of Freemasonry.


Bro. Patrick Wilson

He's the most IMPORTANT member to any Lodge. His focus is that of guardianship over the Lodge; therefore he’s ARMED at all times. His station is outside of the Lodge to insure none may enter without his and another’s permission from the East. The jewel of his office is that of a drawn Sword and it symbolizes Honor, Justice, Power, and Defender of all which is Consecrated, Veil in Allegory, and to the hidden mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry.


Senior Deacon
Bro. Aaron Lombardi

He’s the proxy to the Worshipful Master. His Jewel is that of the Square, the Compass, and Sun. Denoting a Square of Morality, a Compass of Eternity, and the Meridian Sun. Together they symbolize Knowledge. When worthy worn, it's emblematical to the Terrestrial beginning of true Masonic Light.

Junior DeaconBro. James Kingston

He’s the proxy to the Senior Warden. His jewel is that of the Square, the Compass, and Moon. Denoting the Square of Truth, the Compass of Inevitability, and the Cresent Moon as seen from the East. Together they symbolize all that is Beautiful. When worthy worn, it's emblematical to the Celestial Universe and the Wisdom it provides for us to obtain.


Bro. Wayne Covington

As any man of God, the chaplain is a key member of any fraternity, organization, and society. The chaplain mostly tends to the brotherhood; blesses the nourishments and refreshments, provides spiritual guidance, comforts the sick and shut-in along with their family members and at times may find himself heeling those in need by delivering a blessing of encouragement. The jewel of his office is that of an open Bible and it symbolizes Faith in Divinity.

Senior Steward

Bro. William Clifton

He’s the proxy to the Junior Warden. His focus is that of fulfillment. In the absent of the Senior and or Junior Deacon, he becomes obligated to their duties and responsibilities during the hours of Labor Only! The jewel of his office is that of the Cornucopia. When worthy worn, it symbolizes a "Job Well Done".

Junior Steward

Bro. Deron Satchell

He’s the proxy to the Junior Warden. His focus is that of displaying the Setup, Jewels, and Lights of the Lodge and see that they are properly Veil in Allegory at the conclusion of Labor. He's the overseer of Joy, Refreshments, and Nourishment when the Craft has been called from Labor. The jewel of his office is that of the Cornucopia, also known as the "Horn of Plenty". When worthy worn, it symbolizes the "Fruits of one's Labor".

Senior Master of the Ceremony

Bro. Donald King

He’s the proxy to the Senior Warden. His focus is that of preparation during all ceremonies.

Junior Master of the Ceremony

Currently Vacant

He’s the proxy to the Senior Warden. His focus is that of assistants during all ceremonies.


Bro. Maurice Parker

He's the proxy to the craft. He moves freely throughout the Lodge in order to better assist the craft. Once the craft has been called back to Labor, his focus is that of mantaining discipline. The jewel of his office is that of cross batons and they symbolize Authority, Proctection, and Respect.